Sunday, April 5, 2009

Are you picky? Get a PC

I'm not a Mac user and I would like to get one for.... ahmm, well for computing purposes. I surf the Internet, blog, download, upload, chat, search for free anti-virus (though I don't need this with a Mac, or do I? ). That's practically all I do with a computer which I can all do with a PC half the price of a Macbook. I can't really pay for the Mac premium which according to many is well worth it. I'm sorry Mac Fanboys, it's not that I'm not cool enough for a Mac, I just don't have the money to pay for it.

Here is the second installment of "Microsoft's Laptop Hunter," Microsoft's answer to Apple's "I'm a Mac and I am PC"commercial . It's about a "technically-savvy" Giampaolo who wants to pay for the computing power and not the sexiness or the brand of a computer. I also include not-cool-enough-to-be-a-mac-person Lauren from the first video. Check the video below.

Read - Engadget
Read - Cnet



Anonymous said...

boss saan store makakabili ng murang MSI Wind? thanks and more power!

Gadget Go said...

Hi Anonymous,

Pinakamura na nakita ko na MSI Wind U100 ay sa PC Corner kasi sa mga regular stores mejo mas mahal ng 2T kaya sa PC Corner ka bumili. eto yun website nila:

also i will post updated price of MSI Wind soon, ok? Thanks for visiting :)

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